Frequently Asked Questions

  • When did Regulations come into effect?

    The Electricity (Approval and Verification of Investments) Regulations were made on 19th May 2020 and they became effective on 12th June 2020 which is also the date on which the Regulations were published in the Uganda Gazette.

  • YES. The Regulations are relevant because they go to the root of Distribution Licensees’ business and to the quality and reliability of power supply. Investments once approved by ERA are incorporated into the Revenue Requirement of Licensees and recovered through the Retail Tariff.

  • Generation, Distribution and Transmission companies whose Licenses permit them to undertake investments or all Licensees who have obtained Authority approval to undertake investments.

  • The Regulations deal with investments, which go to the root of the Licensees’ business. Investments are necessary to attain an optimal reliability of power supply and investments once approved by ERA are incorporated into the Revenue Requirement of Licensees and recovered through the Tariff. Investments thereof have an impact on the quality of supply of electricity and the price paid by consumers for the electricity.

  • The Regulations apply to all Licensees unless they are exempted by the Authority on the application of USOA.

  • Corporate governance refers to the structures and practices adopted by a Board of Directors to ensure accountability, fairness and transparency in the company’s relationship with all its stakeholders.